SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique)—Tulsa, OK

Protecting Your Smile & The Environment

For decades, dental fillings containing mercury amalgam were the go-to solution for small cavities and minor dental damage. Of course, this is now concerning for many patients given the toxic nature of mercury.

At O’Brien Dental Wellness Center, we can replace these old fillings using safe and more aesthetically pleasing materials, and we can do so in a way that keeps you, our team, and the environment protected from mercury exposure.

SMART in Tulsa allows you to do what’s right for your smile and the world at large, and you can learn more about how it works below. Or, you can schedule an appointment to upgrade your fillings by clicking here

Why Choose O’Brien Dental Wellness Center for SMART?


The Importance of Removing Amalgam Fillings

Man with amalgam filling

Dentistry has relied on many materials over the decades, and amalgam was popular because it’s strong, durable, and can be easily shaped to fit within a tooth. That flexibility, however, comes from mercury being a part of the mix of metals.

Despite their upsides, amalgam fillings do have some drawbacks beyond the potential for mercury exposure. Noticeably, they are very dark and stick out in the mouth, meaning it’s easy to see someone’s dental work every time they talk, laugh, or take a bite of food.

Also, they are prone to causing temperature sensitivity. They expand and contract based on temperature, which makes them more likely to crack over time.

From a health, aesthetic, and longevity perspective, it’s easy to see why many patients are choosing to change out their old amalgam fillings.

What Is SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique)?

Woman’s teeth before and after SMART dentistry

SMART is a protocol designed to make the removal of mercury amalgam fillings as safe as possible for everyone involved. It also includes how to dispose of the fillings in a way that prevents them from finding their way into the local water supply. Plus, it makes things as straightforward as possible for our team to then apply tooth-colored fillings made of biocompatible composite resin.

How Does SMART Work?

Woman wearing oxygen mask for SMART dentistry
  • The patient, dentist, and team are given their own oxygen supply to protect them from mercury vapor.
  • Instead of drilling to remove the filling, the material is “chunked,” which prevents it from being exposed to heat and friction that can create vapor.
  • The team uses copious amounts of air and suction throughout the entire process to make sure every molecule of mercury is captured and contained.
  • There is also a strong air filtration system in the entire office.
  • Once the filling is cleared, composite resin is applied and shaped to the tooth to create a more lifelike filling.
  • The old fillings and any mercury are properly stored and disposed of by a company that specializes in responsibly removing hazardous materials so they don’t affect the local environment.