Dental Crowns – Tulsa, OK

Beautiful and Strong Restorations for Damaged Teeth

If you have a decayed or damaged tooth, our Tulsa, OK, dental team might recommend that you receive a dental crown. This type of beautiful and strong restoration can renew your tooth’s structure, strength, and form — all without compromising your smile’s natural beauty. Read this page to discover some basic information about dental crowns, and give us a call if you would like to book a restorative dentistry consultation. We look forward to serving you!

Why Choose O’Brien Dental Wellness Center for Dental Crowns?

  • Lifelike Ceramic Materials
  • One-Visit CEREC Restorations Available
  • Friendly & Empathetic Team

What Is a Dental Crown?

Illustration of crown being placed on prepared tooth

Dental crowns are sometimes referred to as “caps” because they cover the entire portion of a tooth that is visible above the gumline. They can be made out of various materials, including different types of metal. Here at O’Brien Dental Wellness Center, however, we favor the use of lifelike ceramics, such as Emax and zirconia. They blend in beautifully with the color and texture of natural teeth.

The purpose of a crown is to restore the strength, structure, and function of a damaged tooth. We often use them to repair decayed, broken, or worn-down teeth. They can also be used along with dental implants or as part of a bridge to replace missing teeth.

The Process of Getting a Dental Crown

Dental patient holding mirror and looking at his smile

The traditional process of getting a dental crown involves at least two dental appointments. First, the tooth is prepared via the removal of a bit of tooth enamel. Then, impressions are taken and a temporary crown is placed on the tooth while a laboratory fabricates a permanent restoration.

Here at O’Brien Dental Wellness Center, we do things a little differently. We have advanced CEREC technology that allows us to fabricate top-quality ceramic crowns right here in our office. This eliminates the need for coordination with a dental lab. Often, we are able to provide a permanent crown in a matter of just a few hours.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

Portrait of confident, smiling young woman

A dental crown can offer a number of benefits:

  • Crowns can fortify damaged teeth and prevent the need for extractions.
  • A crown can renew your ability to chew comfortably.
  • With proper care, a crown may last for 10 – 15 years or longer.
  • We carefully design crowns so they look and feel as natural as possible.
  • Crowns are a versatile treatment that can be used to address a wide range of dental problems.
  • It is easy to care for a dental crown. Thorough oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and other simple steps are all that are necessary to reduce the risk of damage to the crown and the underlying tooth.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Crowns

Piggy bank full of cash

Dental crowns can help to preserve the integrity of your damaged teeth. However, many patients worry about the cost of their new restoration. We won’t be able to determine the exact details of the cost of your dental crown until we can examine your smile in person. Until then, here are some things to take into consideration about the financial aspects of your treatment.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dental Crowns

There are several factors that will determine the cost of your new restoration. Here are the main two that are considered:

  • Severity of Damage: If your tooth has been severely damaged, you might need to get other treatments in addition to your dental crown. For example, if your tooth is affected, you might need a root canal before you are able to have a dental crown placed overtop your tooth.
  • Materials Used: Dental crowns can be made from many different materials. At O'Brien Dental Wellness Center, we use life-like ceramic materials because they are durable and appear natural.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Crowns?

Yes – partially. Dental insurance providers usually consider dental crowns to be a “major restorative procedure,” so they are generally covered at about 50% after you have met your deductible and before you have reached your maximum if the crown is deemed to be medically necessary. However, every plan is different, so it is best to reach out to your provider directly. We would also be happy to help with this process and will even file your insurance claims on your behalf.

Options for Making Dental Crowns Affordable

If you don’t have dental insurance, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be left to pay your entire bill all at once. We are happy to accept payments through CareCredit – this third-party financing company can split the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly installments with little to no interest if you qualify. To learn more about your financial options, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our friendly team members!

Dental Implants Post-Op Instructions

a couple of dental implants in a plastic model

Once you’ve undergone the implant placement surgery, you will typically need to expect a recovery period. By ensuring that you heal properly after your procedure, you can maximize the rate of treatment success. Our team will provide you with specific dental implant post-op instructions to help you maintain a healthy smile while allowing your new tooth root to heal. Here are some of the typical steps that you can expect to take.

What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

a man smiling and resting on his couch

After finishing your dental implant surgery, you’ll have to protect the blood clot that is supposed to form around the surgical site. This means you’ll need to refrain from certain habits to prevent disturbing the area, such as spitting, smoking, touching it with your tongue or fingers, and drinking through a straw. Be sure to also get plenty of rest to optimize your healing period, and elevate your head while you sleep to avoid blood rushing to your head.

Common Side Effects When Recovering from Dental Implant Placement

a person holding a pain reliever and glass of water

Some of the most common side effects that patients encounter after dental implant surgery involve:

  • Soreness: It’s normal to feel some slight discomfort following your procedure, which can typically be managed with pain relievers.
  • Swelling: There may be some inflammation that occurs around the gums for the first 72 hours. Try using a cold compress to minimize swelling.
  • Bleeding: Some mild bleeding can likely happen for a few days after your treatment. You can alleviate the situation with a clean gauze or washcloth and light pressure.

Your Diet After Dental Implant Surgery

a plate of mashed potatoes for dental implant post-op care

Since you’ll need to rest frequently and avoid disturbing the surgical site, it’s best to stick to softer foods while you recover. These can include:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soup
  • Pasta
  • Yogurt
  • Applesauce
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Pudding

Post-Op Health & Oral Hygiene

a woman flossing her dental implants

As long as you stay clear of the surgical site, you’ll be able to carefully brush your teeth the day after your placement surgery. The last thing you want to do is disturb the blood clot that needs to form around your dental implant. That’s why, when rinsing your mouth, use salt water and avoid spitting it out. If you use mouthwash, choose one that isn’t alcoholic, which can aggravate the tissue surrounding the implant.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

a man smiling with his hand under his chin

After getting your new replacement crown, bridge, or denture, our team will double-check that your bite is correct and that you’re satisfied with your complete smile. It’s natural to feel some sensitivity in the area, but you can manage this with OTC pain medication. If you do notice any abnormalities after this appointment, such as inflammation or bleeding, notify us for help.

Dental Crown FAQs

What materials do you use to craft your dental crowns from?

At O’Brien Dental Wellness Center, we only use the safest and highest quality materials to craft our dental restorations from. These not only present beautiful, lifelike results, but they are also safe for our patients with metal allergies and sensitivities (as we only offer metal-free restorations). When you visit us for a dental crown, you can choose to have it crafted from either of these materials:

  • Zirconia is an incredibly durable material that has an identical appearance to natural tooth enamel, making it the perfect choice for a dental crown. Not only can it resist regular wear-and-tear, allowing it to last just as long as metal, but it’s also completely safe for clinical use and has been successfully utilized for years.
  • E-Max is another type of all-ceramic dental crown known for its durability and natural, translucent appearance that’s identical to tooth enamel. It’s often regarded as one of the highest quality types of crowns you could invest in.

Do dental crowns feel natural?

Just like with any type of dental restoration or prosthetic, the new addition to your mouth can make it feel out of place and uncomfortable at first. However, it only takes a few days to get used to! Once your crown is cemented atop your compromised tooth, you will likely experience less discomfort and sensitivity, as it will be well-protected, making your new restoration feel like a natural extension of your smile.

Is it possible to whiten dental crowns?

We use all-ceramic, non-porous materials to craft our crowns from, so it’s unable to be whitened like your natural tooth enamel. Because of this, we recommend that our patients have their teeth whitened before their restoration is placed to achieve a uniform appearance.

What can I eat with a temporary crown?

While you’re waiting for your permanent crown to be placed, you’ll have a temporary one protecting your prepared tooth. These are not incredibly durable, so it will be important to avoid certain foods until your permanent one is cemented in place. We typically recommend eating any foods that are excessively hot or cold to curb sensitivity, as well as avoid sticky and hard foods that could damage or dislodge the temporary crown.

How can you tell if a dental crown needs to be replaced?

If you’ve had your dental crown for quite awhile and aren’t sure whether it needs to be replaced or not, ask yourself whether you’ve noticed any of the following signs:

  • Pain or sensitivity in your restored tooth can occur due to decay or bacteria gaining access beneath a crown.
  • If your crown is loose, it could need to be reseated onto your tooth or replaced if it’s damaged.
  • A crown that’s noticeably chipped or damaged could signify it’s time to be replaced.